Verified Syntheses of Zeolitic Materials
2nd Revised Edition
Nucleation, growth and seeding in zeolite synthesis
Robert W. Thompson
Department of Chemical Engineering
100 Institute Road
Worcester MA 01609
1. Zeolite Crystallization
Crystallization from solution generally occurs via the sequential steps of nucleation
of the phase, or phases, dictated by the composition of the solution, followed
by growth of the nuclei to larger sizes by incorporation of material from the
solution. Nucleation and crystal growth rates typically are governed by a driving
force related to the supersaturation.Molecular sieve zeolites usually are precipitated
from aluminosilicate solutions in basic media, frequently at elevated temperatures
and autogenous pressures. Most commercially interesting syntheses are preceded
by the formation of an amorphous gel phase which dissolves to replace reagents
consumed from the solution by crystal growth. Some experimental systems which
are "crystal clear" have been developed that permit certain in situ
analytical techniques to be used to study the crystallization process.In
hydrothermal zeolite systems it is more difficult to identify a "supersaturation,"
because of the myriad species present in the aluminosiicate solution, because
of the role of structure directing agents in some cases, and because the relative
concentrations of these in a batch system change as the crystallization proceeds.
For these reasons, the issue of defining the precise driving force for zeolite
nucleation and crystal growth has yet to be accomplished with any degree of
certainty. However, recent progress has been reported in defining solubility
products and crystallization diagrams for zeolites NaA and NaX, and further
progress can be expected using the approach developed there. [1]
2. Zeolite Nucleation
It is expected that the crystallization processes occurring in hydrothermal
zeolite precipitation are similar to those which are known to occur in simpler
inorganic or organic crystallization systems. That being the case, one should
note that nucleation mechanisms in liquid-solid systems have been divided into
several categories, most notably [2,3]:
1. Primary Nucleation
Heterogeneous2. Secondary Nucleation
Initial breeding
Chapter 5 of the text by Randolph and Larson provides
excellent background on these mechanisms. [2] The primary references contained
in their bibliography also are quite informative.
Primary nucleation is characterized as being driven by the solution itself,
either strictly within the solution, as in homogeneous nucleation, or
catalyzed by extraneous material in the solution, as in heterogeneous
nucleation. Certainly with the presence of amorphous gel in most zeolite synthesis
systems, one might anticipate that heterogeneous nucleation on gel surfaces
might be important. This has yet to be demonstrated unequivocally.
Secondary nucleation is catalyzed by the presence of parent crystals of the
same phase, and occurs with a lower activation energy than primary nucleation.
The parent crystals might be added as seed crystals at the beginning of a synthesis,
or grown in the original unseeded system. Initial breeding results from
the addition of seeds which will be discussed below. The other secondary nucleation
mechanisms could stem from added seed crystals or crystals grown in situ.For
example, Culfaz and Sand reported that new mordenite crystals appeared to grow
from seed crystal surfaces and break off acicular pieces, resulting in nuclei
formation as the dendritic pieces grew to macroscopic sizes. [4]
The mechanisms involving secondary nucleation induced by fluid shear,
contact (or collision) breeding, and fracture all require
sufficient fluid motion to cause physical damage to the parent crystals, and
thereby promote formation and release of secondary nuclei from the parent crystal
surface. In many zeolite systems, there is no induced fluid motion, as by stirring,
and crystal settling is generally viewed as insufficient to cause secondary
nucleation. A review of the evidence suggesting that agitation-induced secondary
nucleation is not important in zeolite systems was published recently. [5] More
recently, an interesting study by Falamaki, et al, has suggested that severe
agitation during synthesis of ZSM-5 was not sufficient to either promote nucleation
or to break ZSM-5 crystals. [6]
The numerous works by Subotic, et al., and references contained therein, have
pointed to the possibility that nuclei form within the amorphous gel matrix,
and are released to become viable growing crystals as the gel phase dissolves.
[7] This mechanism is strn under review, and yet may be plausible given the
new evidence that nanometer-sized particulates (or nanoparticles) have been
observed in clear solution synthesis mixtures, and may be the origin of nuclei.
[8] It has not yet been determined how or when these nanoparticles form, although
recent progress has been made in determining that they form almost instantaneously
in the MFI synthesis system. [9]
3. Crystal Growth
Most crystallization processes involve assimilation of material from solution
via a growth process which can be described by the relation [2,3]:dL/dt = G
= KsaWhere a is an exponent expressing the dependence of the linear
crystal growth rate, G, on the supersaturation, s, and K is a temperature-dependent
rate constant. The value of a will be 1.0 for diffusional transport limitations
to a planar crystal surface, and between 1-2 for most surface reaction limited
growth processes. [2,3] Schoeman, et al. have analyzed the growth rate behavior
for Silicalite in clear solutions using a chronomal analysis and concluded that
its growth rate is limited by a first-order surface reaction with an activation
energy of 42 kJ/mol. [10] A recent summary of several reports of activation
energies for zeolite crystal growth showed values to be in the range of 43-96
kJ/mol, magnitudes which certainly suggest surface kinetics limited growth rather
than diffusional limitations. [11]
A debate has arisen in the literature recently regarding what species actually
add to the crystal surface to promote growth and whether an agglomeration mechanism
plays a role in zeolite crystal growth. Schoeman used the DLVO theory for colloidal
stability to predict that nanoparticle agglomeration would not be possible
in a Silicalite synthesis solution. [12] He concluded that zeolite crystal growth
was supported by addition of low molecular weight species, most likely the monomer.
He also concluded that the nanoparticles, observed by several research groups,
would be predicted to be stable in Siicalite synthesis solutions. However, Kirschhock,
et al. extended Schoemanâs work to show that growth by agglomeration of nanoparticles
with crystal surfaces was possible. [13] Specifically, they noted that the nanoparticles
should come to rest at about 7 Å from the crystal surface in an energy
well, and have ample time to orient and chemically bond to the surface. More
recently, Nikolakis, et al. analyzed Silicalite crystal growth and the energetics
of nanoparticle-crystal interactions using atomic force microscopy. [14] They
also extended the DLVO theory and concluded that zeolite crystal growth by nanoparticle
addition was possible, even though their total potential energy curves showed
no energy wells or negative values at distances greater than a fraction of an
Nothing definitive can be said about this debate at this time. Thus, growth
by addition of monomers, low molecular weight species, or nanoparticles cannot
be ruled out. However, growth is suggested by the magnitudes of activation energies
to be limited by surface reaction kinetics rather than diffusion from the bulk
liquid to the crystal surface, and the nanoparticles would be expected to diffuse
rather slowly, potentially at rate-limiting rates, due to their very large molecular
weights. These observations might lead one to suspect that growth should be
by addition
4. Seeding
Adding seed crystals to a crystallization system has typically resulted in increased
"crystallizationâ rates. The enhanced rate might be due to simply increasing
the rate at which solute is integrated into the solid phase from solution due
to the increased available surface area, but also might be the result of enhanced
nucleation of new crystals. Understanding the precise role of seed crystals
is an area of ongoing investigation.
The secondary nucleation mechanism referred to as initial breeding results
from microcrystalline dust being washed off of seed crystal surfaces in a new
synthesis batch, and has been reported in zeolite systems. [15] These microcrystalline
fragments grow to observable sizes, and result in greatly enhanced Îcrystallizationâ
rates due to the significantly increased crystal surface area compared to the
unseeded system. Consequently, it is to be expected that addition of seed crystals
to a synthesis system will introduce sub-micron sized crystallites into the
system which will serve as nuclei.
Finally, it is worth noting that a recent study of initial bred nuclei using
a clear synthesis solution [16] suggested that the initial bred nuclei themselves
may be the same nanoparticles observed by Schoeman [8], Kirschhock, et al. [9],
and independently elsewhere. [17]. That is, the same particulates which appear
to catalyze zeolite nucleation in unseeded systems may remain in sufficient
number to catalyze nucleation in seeded systems, since they are inherently present
with the seed crystal sample, and may be impossible to eliminate by typical
filtration techniques.
5. References
[1] J. Sefcik, A. V. McCormick, Chem. Eng. Sci., 54 (1999) 3513
[2] A. D. Randolph, M. A. Larson, Theory of Particulate Processes, 2nd ed.,
Academic Press, San Diego, 1988
[3] A. G. Jones in Controlled Particle, Droplet, and Bubble Formation, D.
J. Wedlock (ed.), Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 1994, p. 61
[4] A. Culfaz, L B. Sand, in Adv. Chem. Ser., No. 121, W. M. Meier, J. B.
Uytterhoeven (eds.), ACS, 1973, p. 140
[5] R W. Thompson in Modeling of Structure and Reactivity in Zeolites, C.
R A. Catlow (ed.), Academic Press, San Diego, 1992, p. 231
[6] C. Falamaki, M. Edrissi, M. Sohrabi, Zeolites 19 (1997) 2; and personal
communication, Edinburgh, July, 1996
[7] B. Subotic in ACS Sym. Ser. 398, M. L Occelli, H. E Robson (eds.), 1989,
p. 110; and A. Katovic, B. Subotic, I Smit, Lj. A. Despotovic, M. Curic, ibid,,
p. 124
[8] B. J. Schoeman, Zeolites 18 (1997) 97
[9] C. E. A. Kirschhock, R. Ravishankar, F. Verspeurt, P. J. Grobet, P.
A. Jacobs, J. A. Martens, J. Phys. Chem. 103 (1999) 4956, and C. F. A. Kirschhock,
R Ravishankar, L Van Looveven, P. A. Jacobs, J. A. Martens, J. Phys. Chem. 103
(1999) 4972
[10] B. J. Schoeman, J. Sterte, J.-E Otterstedt, Zeolites 14 (1994) 568
[11] R W. Thompson in Molecular Sieves, Science and Technology, Vol. 1, H.
G. Karge, J. Weitkamp (eds.), Springer, Berlin, 1998, p. 21
[12] B. J. Schoeman, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 22 (1998) 9
[13] C. F. A. Kirschhock, R. Ravishankar, P. A. Jacobs, J. A. Martens, J.
Phys. Chem. B, 103 (1999) 11021
[14] V. Nikolakis, F. Kokkoli, M. Tirrell, M. Tsapatsis, D. G. Vlachos,
Chem. Mater. 12 (2000) 845
[15] 5. Gonthier, R W. Thompson in Stud. Surf. 56. Catal., No. 85, J. C. Jansen,
M. Stoecker, H. G. Karge, J. Weitkamp (eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994, p.
[16] L Gora, K. Streletzky, R W. Thompson, G. D. J. Philles, Zeolites 19
(1997) 98
[17] L Gora, K. Streletzky, R W. Thompson, G. D. J. Phillies, Zeolites 18
(1997) 132